Monday, February 11, 2008


Buildings provide numerous needs of society. The human body can be continued and may effectively function only within a limited range of climatic conditions such as temperature, humidity, moisture, sunlight, and amount of oxygen and pollutants in the air. Along with access to food and drinking water, the need to make places that are protected from the outdoors and where one can happily live, work, eat, sleep, have children or engage in leisurely activities has always been a top concern for humans.
A building as a security represents a physical division of the human habitat into the inside (a place of comfort and safety) and the outside (a place that at times may be harsh and harmful). Humans have a strange drive to reproduce on their lives and express themselves through art. Ever since the first cave paintings, the buildings and everything on, inside and near buildings have become objects of creative expression. In recent years, attention on sustainable planning and building practices has improved in the U.S.

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