Saturday, November 13, 2010

Successful internet marketing

I have another interesting topic to discuss with you from our Internet marketing toolbox. Today's subject is "Online Directories."

I admit that I am not as excited about online directories as I am about other online marketing tools. Seems there must be about 2,000 directories out there on the Internet right now, and it grows every day. I freshly heard one of my teachers state that 30 percent of the Internet is new all the time.

Now that is a simple statement to glance over without thinking about its importance. If 30 percent of the Internet is new all the time, that means any month you work online, another third has been added to the Internet.

Right now, it is estimated that there are about 15-20 billion websites on the World Wide Web. That's impressive, but it is nothing compared to the 30-35 billion that will exist next year.

Just the sheer numbers are staggering. With this kind of volume, how is a business owner going to compete? Fortunately, we have all the tools we need to do that.

One of these tools is Online Directories. While most people consider a directory just a good place to look for things, it is far more than that to the savvy online marketer.

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