Monday, July 05, 2010

Air cooler-marketing

An air cooler is any machine for cooling the air inside a building, room, or vehicle. Air coolers are used in insulate casing to form refrigerators and are also used in buildings to cool rooms. In buildings they are only necessary when the building is not construct so that it is bright to scatter enough heat. Evaporative cooling is particularly well suited for climates where the air is hot and humidity is low.

An air conditioner is a home appliance, system or mechanism intended to dehumidify and take out heat from an area. The cooling is done using a simple refrigeration cycle. In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning is referred to as "HVAC”.

A space heater is a self controlled device for heating an enclosed area. Space heating is generally engaged to balmy a small space, and is usually held in disparity with central heating, which warms many connected spaces at once. Space heaters are usually convenient or wall-mounted, and may use natural gas or propane, but are most commonly electric purpose, in a building or an automobile, is to provide reassure during either hot or cold weather.

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