Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Direct Marketing Drives Sales

Direct Marketing
Marketing has the power to influence millions with a single message. But just as incorrect postage on a letter prevents a note from reaching its destination, the wrong channel can limit a campaign's spread and sales effectiveness.

One of the most effective channels today continues to be direct marketing. According to "The Power of Direct Marketing" report, direct marketing-driven sales are growing at a quicker pace than overall U.S. economic growth. The report, conducted biennially by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), explores direct marketing's economic impact on the U.S. economy, highlighting historic trends, current-year estimates, and one- and five-year projections for direct marketing (DM) expenditures, sales, ROI, and employment. The 2011 research reports that digital media is showing the greatest impact on our country's rebounding economy. Total spend on digital marketing has grown by $14.5 billion since 2006, much of which can be attributed to online media. Digital channels are expected to continue to increase their share of the marketing budget, from 19 percent in 2011 to 21 percent in 2012.

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